Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact me. Send your requests and ideas.

Check instagram @josiebruno459 for the latest styles and ideas.

Patch availability changes weekly to keep your jacket one of a kind.

One of a kind vintage camo and denim.

COVID-19 Mask Project


Reuse, Recycle, Zero Waste
Vintage camo with a new purpose.
One jacket represents 4 to 6 masks.


#WREcares x Josie Bruno 

For every $3 you give we will donate 1 mask to our Health Heroes! 100% of your contribution helps support #WRECares network of seamstresses and their materials used to make masks and help save lives.

#WRECares is proud to benefit @theupcycleproject. #WRECares has assembled a network of 20+ seamstresses and designers who have pivoted their businesses to become mask makers. 

Local artist @vicgarcia, has partnered with #WRECares to help spread our message. 

Thank you for your support.




